Source code for friendlypins.utils.rest_io

"""Abstraction around the raw Pinterest REST API calls"""
import logging
import requests
from friendlypins.headers import Headers
from friendlypins.exceptions import RateLimitException

[docs]class RestIO(object): """Interface for low level REST API interactions""" # URL of the root namespace for the Pinterest API _root_url = '' def __init__(self, authentication_token): """ Args: authentication_token (str): Personal API token for authenticating to REST API """ self._log = logging.getLogger(__name__) self._token = authentication_token self._latest_header = None @property def root_url(self): """str: canonical url for the REST API""" return self._root_url @property def token(self): """str: authentication token""" return self._token
[docs] def refresh_headers(self): """Forces an update to the cached headers""" self._latest_header = None
@property def headers(self): """Headers: the HTTP headers from the most recent API operation""" if self._latest_header: return self._latest_header temp_url = "{0}/me".format(self._root_url) properties = {"access_token": self._token} response = requests.get(temp_url, params=properties) self._latest_header = Headers(response.headers) return self._latest_header @staticmethod def _raise_for_status(response): """Helper method that checks for various errors and raises more user friendly exceptions for the caller to consume Args: response (requests.Response): response object returned from the HTTP REST API """ if response.status_code == raise RateLimitException(response) response.raise_for_status()
[docs] def get(self, path, properties=None): """Gets API data from a given sub-path Args: path (str): sub-path with in the REST API to query properties (dict): optional set of request properties to append to the API call Returns: dict: json data returned from the API endpoint """ self._log.debug( "Getting data from %s with options %s", path, properties ) temp_url = "{0}/{1}".format(self._root_url, path) if properties is None: properties = dict() properties["limit"] = "100" properties["access_token"] = self._token response = requests.get(temp_url, params=properties) self._log.debug("Get response text is %s", response.text) self._latest_header = Headers(response.headers) self._log.debug("%s query header: %s", path, self._latest_header) self._raise_for_status(response) return response.json()
[docs] def post(self, path, data, properties=None): """Posts API data to a given sub-path Args: path (str): sub-path with in the REST API to send data to data (str): form data to be posted to the API endpoint properties (dict): optional set of request properties to append to the API call Returns: dict: json data returned from the API endpoint """ self._log.debug( "Posting data from %s with options %s", path, properties ) temp_url = "{0}/{1}/".format(self._root_url, path) if properties is None: properties = dict() properties["access_token"] = self._token response =, data=data, params=properties) self._latest_header = Headers(response.headers) self._log.debug("%s query header: %s", path, self._latest_header) self._log.debug("Post response text is %s", response.text) self._raise_for_status(response) return response.json()
[docs] def get_pages(self, path, properties=None): """Generator for iterating over paged results returned from API Args: path (str): sub-path with in the REST API to query properties (dict): optional set of request properties to append to the API call Returns: dict: json data returned from the API endpoint """ page = 0 while True: self._log.debug("Loading results page %s", page) result = self.get(path, properties) yield result if "page" not in result: break if "cursor" not in result["page"]: break if not result["page"]["cursor"]: break if properties is None: properties = dict() properties["cursor"] = result["page"]["cursor"] page += 1
[docs] def delete(self, path): """Sends a delete request to a remote endpoint Args: path (str): API endpoint to send delete request to """ temp_url = '{0}/{1}'.format( self._root_url, path) properties = { "access_token": self._token } response = requests.delete(temp_url, params=properties) header = Headers(response.headers) self._log.debug("Headers for delete on %s are: %s", path, header) self._log.debug("Response from delete was %s", response.text) self._raise_for_status(response)
if __name__ == "__main__": # pragma: no cover pass