Source code for friendlypins.utils.base_object

"""Base class exposing common functionality to all Pinterest primitives"""
import logging
import json

[docs]class BaseObject: """Common base class providing shared functionality for all Pinterest primitives""" def __init__(self, url, rest_io, json_data=None): """ Args: url (str): URL for this object, relative to the API root rest_io (RestIO): reference to the Pinterest REST API json_data (dict): Optional JSON response data describing this object if not provided, the class will lazy load response data when needed """ self._log = logging.getLogger(type(self).__module__) self._data_cache = json_data self._relative_url = url self._io = rest_io
[docs] @staticmethod def default_fields(): """Default implementation""" raise NotImplementedError( "All derived classes must define a default_fields method" )
[docs] @staticmethod def default_url(unique_id): """Default implementation""" raise NotImplementedError( "All derived classes must define a default_url method" )
[docs] def refresh(self): """Updates cached response data describing the state of this pin NOTE: This method simply clears the internal cache, and updated information will automatically be pulled on demand as additional queries are made through the API""" self._data_cache = None
@property def _data(self): """dict: gets response data, either from the internal cache or from the REST API""" if self._data_cache is not None: return self._data_cache self._log.debug("Lazy loading data for: %s", self._relative_url) properties = { "fields": ','.join(self.default_fields()) } temp = self._io.get(self._relative_url, properties) assert "data" in temp self._data_cache = temp["data"] return self._data_cache
[docs] @classmethod def from_json(cls, json_data, rest_io): """Factory method that instantiates an instance of this class from JSON response data loaded by the caller Args: json_data (dict): pre-loaded response data describing the object rest_io (RestIO): pre-initialized session object for communicating with the REST API Returns: instance of this derived class, pre-initialized with the provided response data """ return cls(cls.default_url(json_data["id"]), rest_io, json_data)
@property def json(self): """dict: returns raw json representation of this object""" return self._data def __str__(self): return json.dumps(self._data, sort_keys=True, indent=4) def __repr__(self): return "<{0} ({1}, {2}, {3})>".format( self.__class__.__name__, self._relative_url, self._io, self._data_cache )