Source code for

"""Primitives for operating on Pinterest pins"""
from friendlypins.thumbnail import Thumbnail
from friendlypins.utils.base_object import BaseObject

[docs]class Pin(BaseObject): """Abstraction around a Pinterest pin"""
[docs] @staticmethod def default_url(unique_id): """Generates a URL for the REST API endpoint for a pin with a given identification number Args: unique_id (int): unique ID for the pin Returns: str: URL for the API endpoint """ return "pins/{0}".format(unique_id)
[docs] @staticmethod def default_fields(): """list (str): list of fields we pre-populate when loading pin data""" return [ "id", "link", "url", "board", "created_at", "note", "color", "counts", "media", "attribution", "image", "metadata", "original_link" ]
@property def url(self): """str: Web address for the UI associated with the pin""" return self._data['url'] @property def note(self): """str: Descriptive text associated with pin""" return self._data['note'] @property def link(self): """str: Source URL containing the original data for the pin""" return self._data['link'] @property def unique_id(self): """int: The unique identifier associated with this pin""" return int(self._data['id']) @property def media_type(self): """str: descriptor for the type of data stored in the pin's link Returns None if the type of data associated with the Pin is unknown """ if 'media' not in self._data: return None return self._data['media']['type'] @property def thumbnail(self): """Thumbnail: the thumbnail image associated with this pin""" assert 'image' in self._data return Thumbnail(self._data['image'])
[docs] def delete(self): """Removes this pin from it's respective board""" self._log.debug('Deleting pin %s', self._relative_url) self._io.delete(self._relative_url)
if __name__ == "__main__": # pragma: no cover pass