Source code for friendlypins.exceptions

"""custom exceptions provided by our library"""
from datetime import datetime
from dateutil import tz
from humanize import naturaltime
from requests.exceptions import HTTPError
from friendlypins.headers import Headers

[docs]class RateLimitException(HTTPError): """Helper class for extrapolating details about a rate limit error""" def __init__(self, response): super().__init__(response=response) @property def pin_headers(self): """Headers: reference to the pre-parsed HTTP headers returned from the API""" return Headers(self.response.headers) @property def rate_renewal(self): """datetime.datetime: time, in the current locale, when requests will be allowed once again""" return self.pin_headers.time_to_refresh @property def friendly_error(self): """str: user friendly representation of the error message""" time_to_renew = self.rate_renewal - fmt = naturaltime(time_to_renew.total_seconds(), future=True) return "Rate limit reached. Try again " + fmt